Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anime Expo in a Month!!!

As usual, real life reared its ugly head these past few months. Since I started grad school, I was extremely busy with papers, readings, and presentations. Only these past two weeks have I been able to make everything in lightning speed.

Picture heavy post below the cut.

In a combination of preparing for a guest and finally setting up our office, Goose and I bought and built a couple things from IKEA.
Expedit workstation from IKEA

Hemnes daybed from IKEA

Goose earned the best husband of the universe award (again for the millionth time) by getting me a serger as an end of the semester present. He was aware of all the late nights and angst I went through writing extremely long papers this semester. This thing has made all of the projects go very quickly, and definitely, quicker than it would have been with just my sewing machine.
My new baby

 I was able to cut and sew the entire Big Macintosh work shirt in one day, fitting it to Goose when he got home from work and finishing it the next morning. (The unfortunate thing about the serger is that it's very loud so I choose not to use it too late to be courteous to the people living above and below us.)

This is where I've fitted it to Goose and haven't sewn the seams in yet.
I changed my plan for Moltres from ombre dyeing to sewing transparent layers together to create a flame look. First, I made the sokchima for Moltres that is the petticoat to help poof the chima (skirt) properly. I found a great youtube video that goes through steps of how to make a chima and gave me a lot of ideas to make my own. I used crinoline for the main part of the sokchima and sewed four panels that were 33" wide and 52" high. Then I gathered them down to 56 inches which was quite a feat. The shoulder straps were sewn with cotton from a muslin template I made to fit properly on my chest.
Still need to hem the bottoms
The chima followed a similar pattern for the base, except for the panels I used an orange crepe and also created layers of different color organza to drape over the base in a flame style.
The fabric was very prone to fray so there was a lot of overlocking and fray check used to prevent this from unraveling during wear.
So. Much. FrayCheck.
Throughout the sewing, I watch a lot of shows in the background to keep my ears and mind from getting bored. I watched through the Walking Dead again, some good movies, and through Scrubs again. Thank God for Netflix.
Sewing and Scrubs

Sewing and Scrubs
This chima took one whole day to complete.
gathered and shoulder straps attached
 The jacket, I used a red crepe fabric with a silk yellow brocade for the collar, sleeve hems and eventually the ties.
jeogori, chima and sokchima

The Moltres hanbok took a total of three or four days to complete, which I think is pretty good time.
I styled Goose's Big Macintosh wig and my Twilight Sparkle wig, so I think we're doing very well for what we need to get done.
Kaye and I are also working on a Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends cosplay, but since mine is mostly closet, I bought all the pieces I need.

Here's what's left for Goose and me:
Twilight Sparkle

  • Make petticoat for skirt
  • Dye my nylons & tee shirt fabric
  • Buy vest material since my sweater vest turned out too big and saddle bags
  • Buy screen printing material for cutie marks for Big Mac, TS, and the saddle bags
  • Buy accessories, such as character glasses and shoes
  • [Goose] Buy more casting material and cast/paint the ears and horn

Big Macintosh

  • Make the cutie mark patch
  • Make bandana


  • Make jeogori ties
  • Sew snaps
  • Make jewelry and accessories


  • Buy fabric
  • Sew hoodie & shorts
  • Make fan

Foster's Home

  • Buy and make Mac's bag.

Long list, but hope I can get it done this month!
Wish Goose and me luck!!

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